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Asia Clean Energy Summit

Asia Clean Energy Summit
ORGANISER Energy Market Authority
DATE 24 October, Starting at 10 am
VENUE MBS, Singapore
URL https://www.ema.gov.sg

The Asia Clean Energy Summit (ACES) is South East Asia’s leading event focusing on clean energy technology, policy and finance supported by leading government agencies, research institutes and industry in Singapore. ACES provides a common platform for regional thought leaders in both the public and private sector to collaborate on critical issues and opportunities in hamessing clean energy for the future.

ACES has a diverse offering in terms of its program that cover the entire range of developments around clean energy. ACES exhibition creates a marketplace for companies to showcase latest technologies and solutions.



Clean Energy Leaders Dialogue

The Clean Energy Leaders Dialogue is a high-level forum bringing together leaders in the regional solar and renewables space. The Dialogue witnesses top utility leaders, PV manufacturers and developers and policy professionals exchanging best practices and debating trends and solutions in the clean energy industry. It is targeted at executives as they are the influencers in clean energy adoption.


Solarising Singapore/ASEAN

Given Singapore’s strategic location the Asian Sunbelt and the high cost of electricity, there has been growing interest in solar PV over the years. The announcement of the SolarNova programme by the government, with a proposed 350 MW installed on government buildings by 2020, has made Singapore an attractive market for both local and international solar companies and financial institutions.


Clean Energy Financial Summit

The PV Asia Financial Summit will feature two new and exciting tracks that focus on the perspectives of PV project development and system ownership, as well as solar investment and financing. Expect to see a diverse mix of movers and shakers from the solar industry, as well as the finance and insurance sectors.


ACEPT 2016

The first Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification (ACEPT) is part of Asia Clean Energy Summit (ACES), held in conjunction with Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW 2016) and will cooperate with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) to bring together the world leading experts to present emerging topics on energy, power, and transportation electrification.

SIEW 2024 Sponsors

SIEW 2024



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