SIEW Sponsor


About PacificLight

PacificLight is a power generator and electricity retailer, committed to delivering reliable and competitively priced electricity to its customers. Capable of powering over 1,000,000 Singapore households, PacificLight’s 830MW power is recognised for its high efficiency and fast response to system disturbances.

PacificLight is the only power plant in Singapore registered under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as well as the Verified Carbon System (VCS). Since 2014, PacificLight has generated over 1,900,000 tonnes of carbon credits.

In its continual quest for higher energy efficiency, PacificLight completed the Advanced Turbine Efficiency Package with Siemens Energy in 2024.  Following the upgrade, the capacity of PacificLight’s power plant increased by 30MW and our efficiency increased to over 60%, making us the first plant in Singapore to achieve this level of efficiency. The upgrade will also reduce our carbon emissions by over 60,000 tonnes per annum, equivalent to taking over 9,300 cars off the road every year.

As part of PacificLight’s drive to embrace a low-carbon future, PacificLight Renewables is working with a consortium to develop a large-scale solar import project from Bulan Island, Indonesia to Singapore under a company called Pacific Medo Solar Energy (PMSE). The Energy Market Authority issued PMSE with Conditional Approval for a 600MW import licence in September 2023 and the project is scheduled to commence imports by 2028. 



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