Home / SIEW 2024 / Singapore-International Energy Agency (IEA) Forum

Singapore-International Energy Agency (IEA) Ministerial Forum

ORGANISER Energy Market Authority and International Energy Agency (IEA)
DATE 22 October 2024
TIME 10:00 – 12:30 hrs
VENUE Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore

Co-hosted by Singapore and the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Singapore-IEA Ministerial Forum will discuss the opportunities and challenges on decarbonisation in the Asia Pacific and beyond.

Theme: Unlocking Southeast Asia’s Decarbonisation Potential

Southeast Asia could become a global leader in the energy transition.  Today, the region is home to nearly 10% of the world population and accounts for 6% of global GDP. It is a major engine of economic growth and has an outsized influence in global energy. The collective GDP of countries in Southeast Asia has nearly tripled since 2000, outpacing growth in global GDP over this period.  Clean energy investment in the region was nearly USD 30 billion in 2022, and this looks to more than double by the end of this decade. 

With Southeast Asia’s energy demand set to increase signficiantly over the coming years – driven by population growth, economic activity, urbanisation and demographic shifts  –  ASEAN countries face the challenge of meeting increasing demand, while keeping aligned with political goals on the region’s clean energy transition. Strong policy action and investment will be needed to turn challenges into opportunities, and unlock the region’s decarbonisation potential.

On 21 October 2024, Singapore and the IEA will formally open the IEA Regional Cooperation Centre in Singapore, to enhance the IEA’s collaboration with Southeast Asia and beyond. This will be the IEA’s first office outside of its headquarters in Paris, France. Building on the key messages of the IEA’s 2024 Southeast Asia Energy Outlook, which will be released as part of the Forum, this gathering will examine how the Centre can best work with economies across the region to enhance energy security and accelerate clean energy transitions.


The energy world is set to change significantly by 2030, based on today’s policy settings alone. The IEA Regional Cooperation Centre was established to serve as a hub for the IEA’s activities and engagements in Southeast Asia and beyond, focusing on scaling up the deployment of clean energy technologies, increasing cross-border power trade, and improving access to finance for clean energy investments.

This session will discuss the outlook for Southeast Asia’s energy transformation, opportunities and challenges for the region’s decarbonisation, and the role of the IEA Regional Cooperation Centre in supporting clean energy transitions.

Proposed questions:

  • What are the current energy trends in Southeast Asia, and how will they shape the region’s energy landscape for the next decade?
  • How can the newly established regional centre support the region’s efforts in accelerating decarbonisation and managing the energy trilemma? 

Financing is a key enabler for Southeast Asia’s decarbonisation efforts. Moreover, emerging and developing economies (EMDEs) face an elevated cost of capital. According to the IEA, the cost of capital for solar PV and storage projects can be more than double the value in advanced economies. Lowering the cost of capital by 1 percentage point could reduce financing costs for EMDE net zero transitions by 20% per year.

Proposed questions:

  • What are the most promising investment opportunities in Southeast Asia that will attract investors to the region?
  • What are examples of innovative financing mechanisms and what potential do they hold for the future?
  • How can public-private partnerships support clean energy innovation?
  • What is the role of carbon markets in accelerating the region’s energy shift?

Delegates have the option to purchase tickets for the Singapore-IEA Ministerial Forum separately or opt for a Package to enjoy additional discounts for the SIEW Summit and Singapore-IRENA High-Level Forum. Learn more about the pricing and packages.

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