Home / SIEW 2023 / Singapore-International Energy Agency (IEA) Forum

Singapore-International Energy Agency (IEA) Forum

ORGANISER Energy Market Authority & International Energy Agency
DATE 24 October 2023
TIME 10:15 – 12:30 hrs (GMT +8)
VENUE Level 4, Melati Ballroom, 4001, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

In 2022, the IEA published an updated roadmap to Net Zero Emissions by 2050, which sets out a global pathway for the global energy sector to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Over the past year, the global energy landscape has continued to evolve rapidly. To achieve net zero emissions, the global energy mix must undergo a profound transformation as low-emission sources ramp up dramatically. Electricity transmission and distribution grids expand to meet the growing demands of electrification, connect new renewable energy projects, and reinforce systems that need to adapt to changing system dynamics. Close to 70% of global grid investments to 2030 was expected to be directed to distribution grids, with the aim of expanding, strengthening and digitalising networks.

Against this backdrop, the Singapore-IEA Forum will discuss actionable pathways towards delivering on our collective net zero commitments.


Dr Tan See Leng, Minister for Manpower and Second Minister for Trade and Industry, Republic of Singapore

Mary Burce Warlick, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency

Presentation by:

Keisuke Sadamori, Director, Energy Markets and Security, International Energy Agency

Presented by:


Hon. Reece Whitby MLA, Minister for Environment; Climate Action; Racing and Gaming, Western Australia

H.E. Felix Fuentebella, Undersecretary of Energy, Republic of the Philippines

Ravi Menon, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore

Darmawan Prasodjo, President Director, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara

Raymond B. Ravelo, First Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Meralco

Egon van der Hoeven, APAC Vice President (Business Development), ExxonMobil Low Carbon Solutions

Moderator: Abhi Bhuchar, Head of Energy and Industrials, Asia Pacific, Oliver Wyman

This session will discuss the opportunities and challenges for achieving net zero in Southeast Asia.

  • How will the green transition drive economic growth and clean energy jobs?
  • How can Southeast Asia strengthen its energy supply chains to enhance energy security and advance decarbonisation efforts?
  • How do we transform the economy to drive net zero aligned investments in clean energy technologies and develop markets for emerging technologies?


H.E. Sinava Souphanouvong, Deputy Minister of Energy and Mines, Lao PDR

Presented by:


H.E. Mattias Frumerie, Chief Climate Negotiator, Kingdom of Sweden

Eric Arnold, Executive Chairman, Global Energy Storage

Pedro Vasconcelos, Chief Executive Officer, EDP Renewables Asia Pacific

Brandon Chia, Managing Director Southeast Asia & Australia, SP Group

Moderator: Enrico Zini, Managing Director, Nomura Greentech

This session will discuss the key policy levers and enablers towards achieving net zero emissions, and the role of the industry.

  • What are the key policy frameworks that need to be in place to achieve net zero emissions?
  • What is the role of the industry in accelerating progress towards net zero, and how can public-private partnerships support this?

Special Address

The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister for Climate Action; Energy and Resources; State Electricity Commission, Victoria, Australia

Closing Remarks

Mary Burce Warlick, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency

Programme is subject to changes.

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