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New Energy Futures - Perspectives on the Transformation of the Oil and Gas Sector

New Energy Futures

Navigating the future for oil and gas is increasingly challenging. While global demand for affordable, reliable energy will continue to grow for the foreseeable future, the world is transitioning to a low carbon energy system.

Peak demand for oil and gas may well be on the horizon, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in its “New Energy Futures: perspectives on the transformation of the oil and gas sector” report. An issue that is likely to become more critical in the coming years is investment. Low oil prices have led operators to defer FIDs (Final Investment Decisions) on more than US$300bn of projects.

According to Neil Atkinson, Head of the Oil Industry and Markets Division at the International Energy Agency (IEA), investment is needed just for production to remain at status quo – much less grow. If investment cuts persevere, the market runs the risk of running a very tight balance, he added.

In its report, PwC shares four perspectives, which highlights some of the fundamental trends reshaping the oil and gas sector, and viewed through a medium-term lens of five to fifteen years. Find out more about each perspective and how they will enable companies to evaluate their current strategy and plans, as well as consider the implications for their operating model, partnering strategies, resourcing and technical capabilities here.

By : PricewaterhouseCoopers

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