Asia Clean Energy Summit (ACES) is Asia's leading event focusing on clean energy technology, policy and finance supported by leading government agencies, research institutes and industry in Singapore. ACES provides a common platform for thought leaders
in both the public and private sector to collaborate on critical issues and opportunities in harnessing clean energy for the future. ACES shares Singapore vision to be a clean energy hub for Asia and providea platform where innovative clean energy
solutions are shared. ACES exhibition creates a market pi ace for companies to showcase latest technologies and solutions.
Download the ACES 2016 Post Show Report here.

Clean Energy Leaders Dialogue
The Clean Energy Leaders Dialogue is a high- level forum bringing together leaders in the regional solar and renewables space. The Dialogue witnesses top utility leaders, PV manufacturers, developers and policy professionals exchanging best practices,
while debating trends and solutions in the clean energy industry.

Financial Summit
The Financial Summit will feature two new and exciting tracks that focus on the perspectives of PV project development and system ownership, as well as solar investment and financing. Expect to see a diverse mix of movers and shakers from the solar industry,
as well as the finance and insurance sectors.

Digital Transformation of Energy
Internet of Things (IoT) is the next generation of the internet. It is a global system of IP-connected computer networks, sensors, actuators, machines, and devices. Merging the physical world with the virtual world of the internet and with software enables
companies and consumers to create new services that are founded on web-based business models. The energy world of today is moving towards decentralization and digitalization. Power generation from huge numbers of renewable energy systems and virtual
power plants needs to be fed into distribution networks. This session looks into how to optimise and benefit from an instrumented, interconnected and intelligent energy system.

Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification (ACEPT 2017)
The second Asian Conference on Energy, Power and Transportation Electrification (ACEPT) will collaborate with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to bring together world leading experts who will discuss emerging topics on energy,
power, and transportation electrification.

International Floating Solar Symposium (IFSS)
Floating Solar is unlocking 400,000 km2 − and thereby a new TW-scale opportunity for photovoltaics− on freshwater reservoirs alone. It addresses the water-energy- nexus with evaporation savings and complementary hydropower, and offers paths
to ultra-low balance of systems (BOS) cost. Thus it is seen, respectively, as a critical piece for continuing the exponential growth of solar, reaching high renewable penetration, and extending the cost learning curve of PV as a whole.

PV Asia Scientific Conference
The PV Asia Scientif Conference provides an excellent platform for scientists and engineers to showcase their latest developments in solar PV technologies. The conference programme encompasses topics ranging from novel PV concepts to smart grids, and
PV characterisation methods.

Solarising Singapore and Asia
Given Singapore's strategic location in the Asian Sunbelt and the high cost of electricity, there has been a growing interest in solar PV over the years. The announcement of the Solar Nova programme by the government, with a proposed 350 MW installed
on government buildings by 2020, has made Singapore an attractive market for both local and international solar companies and financial institutions. This session brings the adopters of solar technology together with companies providing technologies
and solutions as well case studies of successful supplementation. Solarising Asia session will take a closer look at solar technology and see how it has been embraced by different countries around the region and how it can be further scaled up with
the right policies, innovative technologies business models and finance.

ACES Exhibition
The inaugural ACES2016 exhibition with 71 exhibitors, provided a market place for local and regional clean energy companies to connect with buyers and investors. The exhibition complements the conference by providing an avenue for participants to learn
about the latest developments in technologies and seek potential partnerships.

EU Business Avenues in South East Asia
The EU Business Avenues in South East Asia is a business support programme organised and funded by the European Union (EU). The programme aims to help European companies establishing long lasting collaborations in South East Asia through matchmaking and
business support services.
Following a successful pilot that accompanied more than 100 companies to the South East Asia regions in 2015, the programme launched in June 2016 has expanded its sectorial and geographical coverage. There will be several business missions, each of which
will include expert presentations, networking opportunities, business exhibitions and business matching exercises.
The sixth business mission, Green Energy Technologies, under the EU Business Avenues in South East Asia programme will take selected European companies to Singapore and Philippines to from 23 – 27 October 2017.
The first part of the business mission week will see the European companies travelling to Singapore for three exhibition days, co-locating with Asia Clean Energy Summit (ACES) 2017 at Marina Bay Sands. The companies will then travel to Philippines for
pre-arranged business meetings with local companies for another two days.