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SIEW TechTable: Could Small Modular Nuclear Reactors & Floating Solutions Change the Game for Energy?

Seaborg Technologies’ Jan Holm talks about the merits of SMRs and advanced nuclear technology in the clean energy transition.

In this TechTable presentation on "Nuclear: Revolutionising Energy - Small Modular Nuclear Reactors & Floating Solutions", Jan Holm, Seaborg Technologies' Executive Vice President, unveils the transformative potential of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMRs) in meeting the world's energy needs. The discussion spotlights the advantage of nuclear energy and its ability to provide a consistent and dependable reliable energy source, especially vital for emerging economies and industries. 

A pivotal turning point

Mr Holm opened the session by reflecting on his journey discussing nuclear energy six years ago when it was met with silence. Today, initiating this dialogue marks a pivotal moment.

He continued the presentation by introducing a groundbreaking innovation—the Compact Molten Salt Reactor (CMSR). This small modular nuclear reactor boasts inherent safety features due to its unique properties. Mass produced with deployment times as short as three years from order to delivery, the CMSR is currently deployed on 200-800 Mwe Power Barges. This makes the CMSR an innovative floating solution combining the advantages of traditional nuclear energy with the added benefits of flexibility and safety— making this a viable option for a multitude of countries. 

A call to action

To unlock the myriad benefits offered by SMRs and Seaborg’s distinct floating solution, Mr Holm highlighted the importance of integrating nuclear energy into national development strategies.

He highlighted the merits of SMRs and urged stakeholders to take proactive steps towards a secure and sustainable energy future by embracing advanced nuclear technology. 

Mr Holm emphasised the extraordinary energy density of nuclear energy. This offers the potential to become a net exporter of energy, not just aiming to go net zero. He concluded by saying that "we will only reach our decarbonisation goals if the alternative is cheap enough and scales fast enough".

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