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SIEW Summit
Singapore-IEA ForumSingapore-IRENA High-Level ForumAsia Clean Energy SummitConference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI)
SIEW Energy InsightsSIEW TechTableAsia Gas Markets ConferenceAsian Downstream Summit (ADS) | Asian Refining Technology Conference (ARTC) | Ammonia & Carbon Capture Asia (ACCA) Asia Clean Energy SummitConference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI)
SIEW Thinktank RoundtablesAsia Gas Markets ConferenceAsian Downstream Summit (ADS) | Asian Refining Technology Conference (ARTC) | Ammonia & Carbon Capture Asia (ACCA) Asia Clean Energy SummitAsia Carbon SummitConference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI)
SIEW Thinktank RoundtablesYouth@SIEWConference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI)
SIEWConnects@Kobe: Unlocking Pathways for Energy Transition in Asia Pacific
SIEWConnects@London: Financing a Flexible Energy System of the Future
This roundtable session aims to explore the opportunities and challenges associated with nuclear energy in Asia's transition to a net zero future. The discussion will examine responsible and collaborative approaches that contribute to achieving regional energy security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.
The session will convene stakeholders from across Asia to share perspectives on the latest advancements in nuclear energy technology and how the region could collaborate in terms of safety regulations and best practices. The discussion will include:
Jaime Ho, Editor, The Straits Times
Kieran Furlong, CEO, Realta Fusion
This panel will explore the role that nuclear energy could take in meeting Asia’s growing need for clean and reliable energy. It will also explore the latest advancements in nuclear technology, particularly Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). The discussion will also examine the economic and environmental benefits of these advancements.
Discussions could include:
Panel Overview
Audrey Tan, Assistant News Editor, The Straits Times
This panel will delve into the importance of public trust and support if nuclear energy is to play a role in Asia's transition to clean energy. The panel will discuss the importance of fostering open dialogue and knowledge exchange on applications of nuclear energy, nuclear safety, and regulations.
Discussion Points:
Scene Setter
*Programme is subject to changes.
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