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SIEW Summit
Singapore-IEA ForumSingapore-IRENA High-Level ForumAsia Clean Energy SummitConference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI)
SIEW Energy InsightsSIEW TechTableAsia Gas Markets ConferenceAsian Downstream Summit (ADS) | Asian Refining Technology Conference (ARTC) | Ammonia & Carbon Capture Asia (ACCA) Asia Clean Energy SummitConference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI)
SIEW Thinktank RoundtablesAsia Gas Markets ConferenceAsian Downstream Summit (ADS) | Asian Refining Technology Conference (ARTC) | Ammonia & Carbon Capture Asia (ACCA) Asia Clean Energy SummitAsia Carbon SummitConference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI)
SIEW Thinktank RoundtablesYouth@SIEWConference of Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI)
SIEWConnects@Kobe: Unlocking Pathways for Energy Transition in Asia Pacific
SIEWConnects@London: Financing a Flexible Energy System of the Future
The transportation sector faces a critical challenge: reducing its significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. As concerns about climate change and air quality grow, the world urgently seeks innovative solutions. Transport emissions grew at an annual average rate of 1.7% from 1990 to 2022, faster than any other end-use sector except for industry. The global aviation industry alone accounted for 2% of global energy-related CO2 emissions, having grown faster in recent decades than rail, road or shipping. The potential of Sustainable Aviation Fuels, alongside emerging technologies, to significantly reduce the environmental impact of air travel will be addressed.
By fostering dialogue on these interrelated aspects and the necessary infrastructure and policy frameworks, the roundtable aims to examine a greener transportation future across Asia and beyond. The session will address:
This session aims to provide a platform for sharing best practices, addressing challenges, and exploring collaborative initiatives to drive a more sustainable and efficient transportation future across Asia.
Click here to download the presentation
This panel would focus on the practicalities and future directions of e-mobility solutions for various transportation segments. The discussion points include:
Keynote Presentation
This panel would delve deeper into the potential and challenges of SAF as a key solution for reducing aviation emissions.
Discussion Points include:
*Programme is subject to changes.
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