Home / SIEW 2024 / Future of the Grid

Future of the Grid

ORGANISER Clarion Events
DATE 23 October 2024
TIME 09:00 – 17:30 hrs
VENUE Level 4, Orchid Ballroom

Power grids are the backbone of a modern energy system and key enabler in the global energy transition. The convergence of renewable energy, sustainability, and technological innovation is currently reshaping the industry landscape. With the growing urgency to decarbonise the energy sector, it has become even more critical for Southeast Asian countries to establish flexible and reliable grids.

As part of the Energy Market Authority’s Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW), Future of the Grid (FOTG) is Singapore’s only grid-focused event, serving as a cornerstone gathering for policymakers and regulators, electrical utilities and grid operators, technology providers, and energy consumers to engage in crucial discussions on advancing grid development strategies and mapping a way forward for the energy transition.

Taking place on 23 October 2024, Future of the Grid delivers expert knowledge and forward-looking insights from the region's power and energy thought leaders to explore strategies to enhance the national power grid’s readiness for increased renewable integration and electricity imports.

ASEAN Energy Regulatory Forum

Building on the success of FOTG’s ASEAN Energy Regulatory Forum, this unique platform will address high-level topics, enabling regional governments and stakeholders to engage in strategic dialogue on policy and regulatory developments and map a way forward for the global energy transition.


  • Jarrod Ball, Board Member and Markets Committee Chair, Australian Energy Regulator
  • YBhg. Dato' Ir. Ts. Razib Dawood, Chief Executive Officer, Energy Commission (Malaysia)
  • Dr Phuwanart Choonhapran, Assistant Secretary General, Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC), Thailand
  • Hiromichi Tanoue, Director of the Policy Planning and Coordination Division, Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan


With renewable energy sources increasingly dominating the energy mix, grid systems must evolve to manage the variability and decentralization associated with these changes. This panel brings together leading regulators and industry experts to delve into the pressing challenges and innovative strategies necessary to build a robust, resilient grid infrastructure capable of adapting to higher levels of renewable energy integration.

  • The current regulatory frameworks' capacity to support significant increases in RE integration and identify gaps that could hinder stability and resilience.
  • Explore innovative market mechanisms and incentives to expand and enhance transmission capacity for accommodating higher renewable penetration.
  • Strategies for advancing renewables grid integration to strengthen regional supply chains – harmonizing and interconnection Infrastructure developments.


  • Shri Harish Dudani, Member (Law), Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

  • Sharon Ocampo-Montaner, Director, Market Operations Service (MOS), Energy Regulatory Commission, Philippines

  • Benjamin Williams, Director of External Affairs, United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

  • Matthew Wittenstein, Chief of Section, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

  • Dr Nor Azlan Mostafa, Chief Operation Officer, Single Buyer


The electrical grid is the backbone of our modern energy system, a critical infrastructure we often overlook until it's pushed to its limits. As we move towards a future increasingly dominated by renewable energy, the grid must evolve into a multi-directional, integrated, and smart system with dynamic storage capabilities.

This session will gather global regulators to discuss strategies and infrastructure investments essential for maintaining grid reliability and flexibility in the face of rapid renewable energy integration, the phased retirement of traditional dispatchable power sources, and rising demands on the power system. Regulators will explore collaboration models, policy frameworks, and technological innovations necessary to support a connected, resilient, and sustainable power grid.

  • Explore the specific actions regulators can take to encourage innovation and collaboration across the energy value chain.
  • Technological advancements key to safeguarding the stability and sustainability of the power system.
  • Discuss strategies to attract and secure investments necessary for developing and upgrading grid infrastructure.

ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and USAID SE Asia Smart Power Program (SPP) hosted Panel

The ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and Heads of ASEAN Power Utilities/Authorities (HAPUA), in collaboration with USAID SE Asia Smart Power Program (SPP) and US DOE’s Net Zero World (NZW), are cooperating to support awareness and capacity building sessions to ministries, utilities, and regulators on the opportunities and issues associated with sub-sea interconnector projects for the ASEAN Power Grid (APG). This session would share insights, discuss challenges, and explore innovative solutions for the future of subsea interconnector projects.

*Programme is subject to changes.

SIEW 2024

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