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ASEAN and China have been actively increasing renewable investments and gradually accommodating more variable renewables in the power mix towards the energy transition and a sustainable energy future. Since higher integration of solar and wind means greater variability of power system operation, additional sources of flexibility are in urgent need. Both strive to develop technical flexibility, improving regulations and market designs while safeguarding power supply security and ensuring positive economic impact of renewables investment. Enabling technologies with a particular emphasis on energy storage as well as on promoting the integrated operation of source-network-load-storage, has become key strategies to support development of new power system in China and in several ASEAN countries. Grid infrastructure upgrade, large-scale interconnection, and sector coupling hydrogen has also been tapped to provide resilient electricity and support power system transition.
Against the above backdrop, this roundtable organized by CREEI and Agora Energiewende is designed to facilitate in-depth exchange on emerging technology, innovative policy instrument, regulatory framework restructuring and market designs as part of the Singapore International Energy Week:
Dr Gu Hongbin, Deputy Director General, CREEI/ Chairman, Ecosystem Study Commission for International River (ESCIR)
Prof. Kevin Tu, Director Agora China
Xie Hongwen, Deputy Chief Engineer, CREEI
Click here to download the presentation
Beni Suryadi, Manager, Fossil Fuel, Alternative Energy and Storage (PFS), ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)
Xue Lianfang, Deputy Chief Engineer and Director of Environmental Protection Department, CREEI
Dr Tharinya Supasa, Project Lead Southeast Asia Energy Policy, Agora Energiewende
Moderator: Dr Gu Hongbin, Deputy Director General, CREEI/ Chairman, Ecosystem Study Commission for International River (ESCIR)
Fabby Tumiwa, Executive Director,Institute for Essential Services Reform
Xiangnan Li, Executive Director, Project Finance Institutional Banking Group, DBS Bank
Zhang Muzi, Secretary General, ESCIR
Moderator: Marianna Morra-Skryabina, International Outreach Project Manager, Agora Energiewende
Professor Kevin Tu, Director, Agora China
Gong Heping, Deputy Director General, CREEI