Home / SIEW Thinktank Roundtables / Agora Energiewende

Agora Energiewende

Surfing the Hydrogen Wave in Southeast Asia – Insights from Europe & Germany

Agora Energiewende
DATE 28 October 2021
TIME 20:00 - 22:00 hrs
Virtual Platform

Hydrogen has emerged as a key stepping stone to fulfilling net-zero climate targets, and the past two years have seen a wave of ambitious national strategies designed to stimulate and accelerate the growth of hydrogen technologies. Some countries have even included support for hydrogen in their post-COVID-19 economic recovery programmes. When produced using renewable electricity, green hydrogen fills the energy transition’s ‘missing link‘ in pursuit of the decarbonisation of sectors – such as heavy industry and aviation - where emissions reductions were thought to be challenging. Yet, the overwhelming majority of hydrogen is currently produced via fossil fuels, with only miniscule proportions through electrolysis. Still in early deployment, electrolysis cannot currently produce sufficient hydrogen at affordable costs. The hydrogen strategies of Germany and the EU seek to support innovation to reduce the costs of green hydrogen production and expand renewable hydrogen technologies at large scale across sectors.

  • What ripple effects might this wave of interest and innovation have on Southeast Asia’s long-term policy visions?
  • How will this impact the development and evolution of Southeast Asia’s energy systems?
  • While many Southeast Asian countries look towards natural gas as a vital tool to displace coal-fired generation and to meet future rising demand, atmospheric carbon budgets are rapidly depleting and leave little room for additional fossil fuels of any kind. Can hydrogen play a galvanising role in the shift from fossil fuels towards renewable energy in the region?

These questions form the basis of two think-tank roundtables organized by Agora Energiewende as part of the SIEW 2021. The first roundtable sets the scene with insights on hydrogen strategies from Germany and Europe explores current policy landscapes looking at what is required for Southeast Asian policy makers to consider hydrogen strategies. The second part focuses on the Hydrogen outlook and explores the role thinktanks will play in supporting policy makers by highlighting long-term technological and economic perspectives, and potential strategic pathways to achieve their goals.

Agora Energiewende is a partner of the Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia Programme, which is funded by the German Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Time Programme
20:00 – 20:10 Welcome and Introduction

Jesse Scott
Director, International Programmes
Agora Energiewende
Part 1: Insights on hydrogen strategies from Germany, Europe and Southeast Asia
20:10 – 20:20 Germany: Perspectives from Germany Hydrogen Strategy

Dr Matthias Deutsch
Programme Lead
Agora Energiewende
pdf_smallClick here to download the presentation
20:20 – 20:30 Europe: Perspectives on Hydrogen in the European context

Dr Gökçe Mete
Research Fellow
Stockholm Research Institute
pdf_smallClick here to download the presentation
20:30 – 20:40 Southeast Asia: Reactions to German and European perspectives and insights from Southeast Asia

Beni Suryadi
ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE)
pdf_smallClick here to download the presentation
20:40 – 20:50 Southeast Asia: Potential for hydrogen application in SEA markets: Similarities and differences across the value chain, compared with European and German use cases and strategies

Kenneth Kong
Senior Vice President, Group Strategy & Portfolio
Sembcorp Industries Ltd
20:50 – 21:10 Questions and Discussion
Part 2: Hydrogen outlook for Southeast Asia: long-term perspectives
21:10 – 21:20 Hydrogen’s role in Indonesia’s Energy Transition

Fabby Tumiwa
Executive Director
Institute for Essential Services Reform
pdf_smallClick here to download the presentation
21:20 – 21:30 Vietnamese Perspective

Ngo To Nhien
Executive Director
Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition
pdf_smallClick here to download the presentation
21:30 – 21:40 Thailand Perspective

Dr. Sumittra Charojrochkul
Energy Innovation Research Group Director
National Energy Technology Center Thailand (ENTEC)
21:40 – 22:00 Questions and Discussion

Watch the On-demand sessions here!



Beni Suryadi


ASEAN Centre for Energy

Kenneth Kong

Kenneth Kong

Senior Vice President, Group Strategy & Portfolio

Sembcorp Industries Ltd

fabby tumiwa

Fabby Tumiwa

Executive Director

Institute for Essential Services Reform


Ngo To Nhien


Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition

Dr Gökçe Mete

Dr Gökçe Mete

Research Fellow

Stockholm Environment Institute

Matthias Deutsch

Matthias Deutsch

Programme Lead Hydrogen

Agora Energiewende

Jesse Scott

Jesse Scott

Director, International Programmes

Agora Energiewende

Dr. Sumittra Charojrochkjul

Dr Sumittra Charojrochkjul

Energy Innovation Research Group Director

National Energy Technology Center

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