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SIEW Summit
Singapore-IEA ForumSingapore-IRENA High-Level ForumAsia Clean Energy SummitConference of Electric Power Supply Industry
SIEW Energy InsightsSIEW TechTableAsia Clean Energy SummitAsia Gas Markets ConferenceAsian Downstream Summit | Asian Refining Technology Conference | Ammonia & Carbon Capture Asia Conference of Electric Power Supply Industry
SIEW Thinktank RoundtablesAsia Carbon SummitAsia Clean Energy SummitAsia Gas Markets ConferenceAsian Downstream Summit | Asian Refining Technology Conference | Ammonia & Carbon Capture Asia Conference of Electric Power Supply Industry
SIEW Thinktank RoundtablesYouth@SIEWConference of Electric Power Supply Industry
SIEWConnects@Kobe: Unlocking Pathways for Energy Transition in Asia Pacific
SIEWConnects@London: Financing Tomorrow's Energy Systems
The Low Carbon District (LCD) is a new initiative to testbed and deploy low-carbon technologies at a district scale. It aims to do a large scale system integration of mid to high-TRL technologies in Cleantech Park. There are 4 areas the LCD will be focusing on:
09.00am – 09.05am
Opening RemarksNilesh Y. JadhavProgramme Director, Energy Research Institute @ NTU
09.05am - 09.20am
Presentation Optimisation of buildings and districts with technology toolsTan Szue HannHead, Sustainability, Surbana Jurong
Click here to download the presentation.
09.35am - 09.50am
PresentationThe implications of transitioning towards a Circular Economy in District Energy SystemsPeter GodfreyManaging Director - Singapore, The Energy Institute (UK)
10.05am - 10.30am
Panel discussion (Question & Answer)
10.30am - 11.00am
Networking and Coffee Break
11.00am - 11.10am
Introduction to Water Energy NexusProf Mark O’MalleyProfessor, University College Dublin (UCD)
11.10am - 11.25am
PresentationWater-Energy nexus in SingaporeProf William D’haeseleer, ProfessorFaculty of Engineering of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
11.25am - 11.40am
PresentationThe Water-Energy Nexus: A Singapore PerspectiveDr. Eoin SyronCTO, Oxymem
11.40am - 11.55am
PresentationRe-engineering the dripper and sprinklerDr. Roger WangLecturer of Fluid Mechanics in Civil Engineering, University of Dundee
12.10pm - 12.25pm
PresentationEnergy-water nexus – the need for modelling with advanced computationAdrian LawDirector, Environmental Process Modelling Group, NEWRI
12.25pm - 12.40pm
12.40pm - 12.45pm
Closing remarks Nilesh Y. JadhavProgramme Director, Energy Research Institute @ NTU
Frank Phuan
Co-Founder and Director
Sunseap Group
Nilesh Y. Jadhav
Senior Scientist and Programme Director
Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Peter Godfrey
Managing Director - Singapore
The Energy Institute (UK)
Tan Szue Hann
Head, Sustainability
Surbana Jurong
Prof. Adrian Law
Director, Environmental Process Modelling Group
Prof Mark O’Malley
University College Dublin (UCD)
Dr Roger Wang
Lecturer of Fluid Mechanics in Civil Engineering
University of Dundee
Prof William D’haeseleer
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
Rohan Rawte
Director, Head of Asia
Vinod Ramachandran
SUEZ Singapore Water Technology Centre
Dr Eoin Syron