Home / Singapore Energy Summit

Singapore Energy Summit

ORGANISEREnergy Market Authority
DATE28 October 2013
VENUESands Expo and Convention Centre, MBS Singapore

The Singapore Energy Summit is a high-level dialogue that brings together ministers, policymakers and business leaders to discuss global energy trends and solutions needed for the energy sector. Emphasis is given to interactive discussions and audience participation, with a real-time interactive Q&A platform where delegates can submit questions directly to panellists from their smart phones.

10:30 – 10:45 Singapore Energy Summit Opening Remarks


S. Iswaran

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Home Affairs and Trade & Industry Singapore

Click here to view full speech

10:45 - 12:15 Powering Asia's Future Energy Needs

Asian countries have access to rich fossil fuel resources and possess huge potential for renewable energy sources. However, the distributions of fossil fuel resources remain uneven, while renewables are underutilised due to the lack of technology and investment. Ensuring we unlock the potential of these resources is key to meeting Asia's growing energy demand. As such, improving the availability and access to investments for infrastructure improvements, technological advancements and regional connectivity are vital. These efforts can be augmented by policies aimed at reducing energy consumption, promoting energy efficiency and incentives to develop renewable energy sources. This session will examine Asia's energy outlook and how collaboratively we can work towards a sustainable energy future for the region.



YB Datuk Seri Dr. Maximus Ongkili

Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water



Le Luong Minh

Secretary General



Yang Qing

Executive Vice President

State Grid Corporation of China


Fatih Birol

Chief Economist

International Energy Agency (IEA)


Dan Yates

CEO & Founder




Barry Desker


S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)

12:15 - 13:30 Lunch: In Conversation – Gas, The Gamechanger?

Natural gas has the potential to underpin economic growth, manage environmental concerns and enhance energy security. Recent developments in the sector could potentially unlock vast unconventional gas reserves, transforming both the dynamics of world supply and hold the key to meeting the world's energy demand. But there are regulatory obstacles and environmental challenges in extracting unconventional gas that need solutions. Pricing must eventually be linked to demand and supply realities to make the economics work. The development of a gas hub in Asia seems to be on the horizon – How soon will that happen and how will energy prices in Asia be affected? This session examines the key drivers and assesses necessary developments in market architecture to ensure gas fulfils its potential as a fuel of the future for Asia.


Amos J Hochstein

Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs

Bureau of Energy Resources, U.S. Department of State


Hiroshi Ozaki


Osaka Gas


Meg Gentle


Cheniere Marketing



Gal Luft


Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS)

13:30 -14:30 Re-drawing the Energy Map

Energy is needed to power economic growth. Therefore, even with increased oil and gas production energy security remains a prime concern. The race for supplies has altered energy policies worldwide and impacted resource geopolitics. Increasingly, we see the scramble for cross border supplies as nations secure energy sources internationally. Producers are shifting focus from traditional markets and pivoting towards Asia for their energy exports. This puts Asia at the centre of dynamic shifts in the global energy map. Against this backdrop, this session will examine how the drive for energy security is impacting resource geopolitics.



Suhail Mohamed Faraj Al Mazrouei

Minister of Energy

United Arab Emirates


David Pumphrey

Co-Director and Senior Fellow

Energy and National Security Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)



Arthur Hanna

Global Energy Industry Managing Director


14:30 – 15:30 The Resurgence of Fossil Fuels

New and previously unexpected discoveries of oil and gas resources have served to further emphasise the importance of fossil fuels in our energy mix. As these new supplies further mediate prices, fossil fuels will remain viable options to meet demand. Price competitiveness of coal continues to make it a critical energy source for developing economies. The prospect of lower priced fossil fuels challenges the viability of alternative energy sources. The global financial crisis has underlined the need for financial prudence leading to a greater emphasis on the need for affordable energy and subsequently a re-evaluation of alternatives. The "age of austerity" will impact unsustainable subsidies and prompt realistic targets for gradual deployment of renewables to play a larger part in the global fuel mix. While some countries have put it back on the agenda, nuclear remains contentious. This session will examine the impact of the continued dominance of fossil fuels on policy, the future energy mix and alternative sources of energy such as renewables and nuclear.



Mark McArdle

Minister for Energy & Water Supply

Queensland Government, Australia


Adnan Z Amin


International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)


Alexander Bychkov

Deputy Director General and Head

Department of Nuclear Energy IAEA


Le Tuan Phong

Deputy Director General

General Directorate of Energy Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam


Joseph P. Marushack


Conoco Phillips Asia Pacific



Dr. Weerawat Chantanakome

Former Chairman

Energy Research Institute Network (ERIN), Thailand

15:30 - 16:00 Networking Break

16:00 - 17:00 Low Carbon Development and Green Growth

For a region that is heavily dependent on imported energy resources, it is critical for Asia to harness low-carbon green growth. The pursuit of economic growth remains one of the most important objectives for Asian economies. With this growth comes high rates of energy consumption, which has prompted the need for a balanced approach towards sustainable development policies and economic growth in Asian economies. Future development depends on identifying policies that integrate social and environmental issues to achieve the most efficient shift to greener growth. Maximising the potential gains from energy efficiency will also aid in this transition. This session examines the available solutions which will achieve low carbon development, without compromising on economic growth.



Jose Maria Figueres

President of the Carbon War Room and Former President of Costa Rica


Christiana Figueres

Executive Secretary



Masahiko Fujihara

Deputy Director-General

Global Energy Policy, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy


Anthony J Jude

Chair, Energy Committee

Asian Development Bank


Jon Moore

Deputy Chief Executive

Bloomberg New Energy Finance



Bill Loveless

Editorial Director

US Energy Policy, Platts

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