Highlights from Asia Clean Energy Summit 2020: Renewables on the Rise
The latest news and views on the evolving clean energy landscape shared during the opening of Asia Clean Energy Summit 2020.
In her opening address, Ms Grace Fu, Minister of Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore, outlined Singapore’s clean energy ambitions.
Minister Grace Fu of @MSEsingapore shares that Singapore plans on building a circular economy to improve energy efficiency, citing the integrated water and solid waste treatment plant in Tuas as an example #SIEW2020
— SingaporeInternationalEnergyWeek (@SIEW_sg) October 27, 2020
To overcome space limitations, Singapore has been looking into alternative renewable energy deployments like floating solar PVs, shares Minister Grace Fu of @MSEsingapore #SIEW2020 https://t.co/pcDxHzDTdS
— SingaporeInternationalEnergyWeek (@SIEW_sg) October 27, 2020
Ms Alice Jackson, President of Xcel Energy — Colorado, discussed how the electrification of energy can supercharge the energy transition and help reduce carbon emissions.
Alice Jackson of @XcelEnergyCO shares that tools to predict wind energy generation will allow the powering down of fossil fuels on windy days and improve energy reliability #SIEW2020
— SingaporeInternationalEnergyWeek (@SIEW_sg) October 27, 2020
Mr Leo Wirawan, Senior Lead, Energy Strategy & Global Infrastructure, Google, Singapore, then took the stage to share Google’s approach on achieving their carbon free objectives.
By buying locally sourced renewable energy, @Google's data centre in Chile operated on 96% carbon-free energy throughout the day, according to Leo Wirawan of @Google #SIEW2020 https://t.co/l4Ek1LxVqV
— SingaporeInternationalEnergyWeek (@SIEW_sg) October 27, 2020
Google's approach to optimise the existing renewable energy production technologies include using Carbon intelligent load shifting to better match Google's energy demand with the clean energy supply! #SIEW2020 #ACES #sustainability
— Xiu Li (@Chang_XiuLi) October 27, 2020
Mr Frank Phuan, Co-Founder and Director at Sunseap Group, concluded the series of keynote addresses by elaborating on the ways Singapore can increase green technology deployment while creating local employment.
Frank Phuan of @sunseap_group estimates that Singapore's plans to frontload the production of solar will create around 4000 jobs #SIEW2020 pic.twitter.com/9WpEHTBnFD
— SingaporeInternationalEnergyWeek (@SIEW_sg) October 27, 2020
Energy transformation consists of two components: technology and mindset explains Frank Phuan of @sunseap_group #SIEW2020 https://t.co/57UmHkS3mk
— SingaporeInternationalEnergyWeek (@SIEW_sg) October 27, 2020
For more highlights from ACES 2020, visit the event website.
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