Dr James Hansen on climate change & carbon pricing

by User Not Found Feb 1, 2011, 15:56 PM

World-renowned climatologist Dr James Hansen discusses his concerns about climate change and the need to put a price on greenhouse gas emissions with the Pembina Institute's Julia Kilpatrick...

"As long as fossil fuels are the cheapest energy, we will keep burning them. That’s as certain as the law of gravity."

In an interview with The Pembina Institute, renowned climatologist Dr James Hansen calls for fossil fuel companies to pay for costs to society--including human health effects, impact to the environment and the future of young people--currently borne by the community in the form of a "monthly green check".

This he believes will provide incentive for the public to make adjustments to minimise the effects of increasing energy prices through reducing their carbon footprint.

To this end, the use of fossil fuels should be phased down and carbon emissions reduced through improved agricultural and forestry practices.

By : Pembina Institute